Mayor Justin Wilson, City Of Alexandria | City Of Alexandria website
Mayor Justin Wilson, City Of Alexandria | City Of Alexandria website
The Alexandria Health Department (AHD) has issued a notification regarding a significant rise in influenza cases within the community. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates that emergency department visits for flu in Alexandria are notably high. Furthermore, the percentage of Northern Virginia emergency department visits where individuals were diagnosed with the flu is more than three times higher compared to this time last year.
In response to this increase, AHD advises residents to take extra precautions to curb the spread of flu germs. Recommended measures include washing hands regularly with soap and water for 20 seconds or using alcohol-based hand sanitizers when necessary. Individuals are also encouraged to cover their mouths and noses with their inner elbows when coughing or sneezing, consider wearing masks to prevent airborne germ transmission, and maintain cleanliness by disinfecting frequently touched surfaces like doorknobs and handrails.
AHD emphasizes that it is not too late to receive a flu vaccine for those who have yet to be vaccinated. The department also advises staying home if feeling unwell and postponing gatherings with others who are sick until they have recovered and been fever-free for at least 24 hours.
Additional information on the flu and other respiratory illnesses can be found on the health department's Flu Season website. For those needing communication in another language, free interpretation and translation services are available via email at or by calling 703.746.3960.
Media inquiries should be directed to Eve Elliott, Communications Officer at AHD, via email at or phone at 804.467.5160.