Mayor Justin Wilson, City Of Alexandria | City Of Alexandria website
Mayor Justin Wilson, City Of Alexandria | City Of Alexandria website
The Beauregard Design Advisory Committee (BDAC) is scheduled to meet on Monday, June 10, from 7-8 p.m. at the Patrick Henry Recreation Center located at 4653 Taney Avenue. The meeting will cover an update on the Alex West Small Area Plan process and provide staff updates on various projects.
The BDAC's role involves reviewing applications for preliminary development plan special use permit approval within the Beauregard Small Area Plan. They assess these applications for compliance with urban design guidelines or standards and offer recommendations to the Planning Commission and City Council through the Director of Planning and Zoning.
Additional information can be found on the project website, or by contacting Maggie Cooper, Urban Planner. Meeting agenda and materials will be made available online before the meeting date.
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