Mayor Justin Wilson, City Of Alexandria | City Of Alexandria website
Mayor Justin Wilson, City Of Alexandria | City Of Alexandria website
The Alexandria West Planning Project has released its Revised Draft Plan as of August 23, available for public review on the September 5 Planning Commission docket. The draft and related staff report can be accessed online, although the AlexWest Design Guidelines are still under development and will be reviewed later this fall by both the Planning Commission and City Council.
Public comments submitted on the June 25 draft, along with staff responses, have been published on the project's webpage. Public participation is encouraged at upcoming hearings scheduled for September 5 with the Planning Commission and September 14 with the City Council. These hearings will accommodate both in-person and Zoom testimonies. Language interpretation services in Spanish, Amharic, and Arabic will be available.
Christian Brandt is available to address questions or receive public comments via email at or phone at 703.746.3895 prior to the hearings.
Updates on the AlexWest Plan will continue through eNews, WhatsApp, community group communications, and postings on the project webpage. The webpage also provides comprehensive background information and a project schedule.
For disability accommodations or language translation services, individuals may contact Lisa Chase at 703.746.3831 or Virginia Relay 711 for disability accommodations; alternatively, they can reach out via or call 703.746.3960 for translation services.